
How to Read Traceroute Results: A Guide for Network Novices

Traceroute is a powerful network diagnostic tool that allows you to trace the path of your data packets as they travel across the internet. It's like a road map for your data, showing each hop it makes from your computer to its final destination. Understanding how to read…

How to Read Ping Results: A Beginner's Guide

Ping is one of the most fundamental tools in a network engineer's toolkit. It's like the "Hello World" of networking, allowing you to test the basic connectivity between your device and another on the network. Whether you're a seasoned network pro or…

Understanding Packet Loss: Causes, Impacts, and Remedies

You've probably heard of packet loss if you're new to network engineering or just trying to troubleshoot some internet connectivity issues. It's one of those technical terms that can sound intimidating, but fear not – we're here to break it down in this…

What is a DNS Record, and Which Ones Are There

If you're new to the world of networking or website management, you've probably heard the term "DNS" thrown around quite a bit. DNS stands for Domain Name System, and it's a fundamental part of how the Internet functions. In this blog post,…

Automating latency and uptime checks with Globalping on Linux and macOS

Whenever you need to test or troubleshoot your network, the ping command comes to the rescue, providing insights into the latency and availability of a target host. But imagine you want to use ping to monitor your website's uptime – repeatedly running ping manually is too impractical, and investing…

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